COSMO Digitale Baustelle

Mobile Safety Instruction “Plug and Play”

Device-independent mobile Safety Instruction

  • Mobile safety instruction for employees of the contractor before entering the plant or construction site
  • Certificate with Selfie
  • Device-independant as web app on smartphone, tablet and PC
  • Introduction within only 4 weeks


  • in a refinery in Great Britain (since 2019)
  • in a chemical production plant in Central Germany (since 2019)

“Having a safe event is the key success factor for us and we dedicate a lot of time and resource to ensure everyone understands what is expected.”

TAR manager of a refinery in Great Britain (2019)

Implemented CC TIC Solutions

“A first for this project is a dedicated turnaround website, with remote safety and project briefings.”

TAR manager of a refinery in Great Britain (2019)

Effects Achieved

  • Device-independent safety briefing in advance as web app on smartphone, tablet and PC
  • No more waiting times at the site gate
  • Cost savings due to elimination of safety personnel and equipment (safety container) at the site gate
  • Can also be used in daily business for guests and contractors

“The dedicated website is part of the communications that we give to all about working safely on our site.”

TAR manager of a refinery in Great Britain (2019)

Do you have any questions about this case? Please contact: Stefan Osterburg
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COSMO Digitale Baustelle